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Dog Bites In Houston, Texas: Holding Owners Accountable

As much as dogs are seen as beloved companions, they can be unpredictable and cause severe injuries. If a dog has bitten you or someone you know, it’s crucial to understand your rights. According to Texas law, the owner of a dog is strictly liable for any injuries it causes to a person. This means you may be able to seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Attorney Ryan Nguyen understands the challenges of dog bite cases, especially when the dog owner is a friend or family member. It’s important to understand that a homeowner’s insurance policy typically covers damages from dog bites and other premises liability claims, so you will not always be suing the owner directly. You should also prioritize your physical and emotional well-being above any awkwardness. With over a decade of experience, Ryan is a compassionate advocate for his clients and can help you navigate the legal process.

The One Bite Rule

Texas is a “one bite” state, meaning a dog owner may not be liable for the first time their dog bites someone. However, if a dog has bitten someone before, the owner is liable for any subsequent bites. This is because the owner is considered to have “constructive notice” of the dog’s dangerous propensities after the first bite.

Other Factors That May Be Considered

In addition to the “one bite” rule, there are other factors that may be considered in a dog bite case, such as:

  • The breed of the dog
  • The dog’s history of aggression
  • The circumstances of the bite
  • The severity of the injuries

What To Do If A Dog Bites You

If a dog bites you, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Infection from a dog bite can set in quickly, and you may need a rabies vaccine. You should also report the bite to the police and the animal control agency in your area.

Talk To A Dog Bite Lawyer With Experience

Once you have addressed your immediate needs, you should contact a skilled Houston dog bite attorney to discuss your case. Attorney Ryan Nguyen can help you understand your rights and options and represent you in negotiations with the dog’s owner or their insurance company.

If a dog has bitten you, contact Ryan Nguyen Attorney At Law for a free consultation. Ryan will listen to your case and help you determine your legal options. Call 832-772-4867 or complete this online form today to schedule your consultation.